Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When did Virgin become a dirty word?

Three years ago when I first started toying with the idea of speaking about abstinence, I originally thought I would call my company: Virgins until Marriage. Many people warned me that virgin had become a bad word and that would give me an uphill battle from the get go. At first I was persistent. I thought let's take the word back! I even went as far as to hire a graphic designer and had a logo made. It is a great logo I am just sorry you don't see it. I gave up and decided my battle was going to be tough enough; I didn't need to add more to my fight.
This weekend I had the privilege of giving 3 talks. (I so love getting to do this) Last night I was checking my email and one of the attendees had written me a quick message. She loved the talk and she had decided to remain a "virgin until marriage." I just stared at the screen; she had taken the word back without even thinking about it. I myself don't think I have even used that phrase in my blogs or my talks because of the bad connotation that comes with that word. How did such a word become "dirty"?
No one snickers when we think of the Virgin Mother. So it didn't happen there. When I think of Virgin Records I just think of the very famous entrepreneur Richard Branson. But heaven forbid you say the word virgin in relation to someone's sexuality and there it goes. You are either criticizing someone for what you think they are, or you are using it as a slam against someone. And its not just kids affected by this. Now that I give abstinence talks people feel very comfortable sharing all kinds of stories with me. Once a woman in her 50s was telling me a story of when she was dating her husband. As her story progresses, she says to me, "and of course at that time I was still a". She goes quiet and then says, "you know". I said, "No, I don't know. You were a what?" She whispers to me the word "virgin". I fell out laughing. A grown woman with two grown daughters was embarrassed to tell me she was a virgin.
I checked the dictionary out of curiosity. As expected, there was the old standard definition: one who has never had sexual intercourse. But there was more: uncorrupted, not used. Now that seems like a nice thing to say about someone. There goes Sally she is uncorrupted or there goes Luke he has not been used as someone's scratching post. No, I am not sure we will ever get the word back and quite frankly I don't know that I want to fight for it. But I will fight for what it means. I want everyone out the to be uncorrupted on their wedding day.

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