Monday, January 12, 2009

A Conundrum

While researching for today's blog, I came across a most dreadful website. The conundrum is whether or not to mention its name; I would hate to give this monstrosity a single visitor. I have answered my own question I will not give them any more traffic. The site boasts of it's feminist virtues and is awfully preachy. If there is a parallel universe where on the other side everything is the exact opposite, this site is mine. It goes against everything I believe in.

I find it very interesting those that want to bring down the abstinence movement have the most ridiculous arguments. They actually had the most absurd article on their web site stating, that 95% of Americans are sexually active before they are married (which by the way is an inaccurate statistic, you should see the study they referenced) the article says because of this fascinating statistic "Then you couldn't make folks feel all slutty and bad for doing what pretty much everyone else is also doing" Has this woman, the author of this insane article, not been told from her mom about the bridge everyone is jumping off of? Her tenure is so superior throughout the web site. It is obvious that if you disagree with her then you are just ignorant. She talks of how judgemental the people in the abstinence movement are. Ask one student who has attended my speeches if I have ever made them feel judged? I am not ignorant, on the contrary I have seen with my own eyes the damage done by engaging in sex outside of marriage. I offer kids today an alternative to risky, regretful decisions.

You, author of insidious web site, say you are a feminist and you want to protect women. If that were true you would tell them that they are precious, a gift of God made in His likeness. You would tell them that they are worth the wait. Instead you treat them like animals, that do not have the ability to say no to their impulses or sexual desires. Ladies, we are not required to have sex because everyone else is doing it. Dare to stand against this movement with me. You are not less of a person because you do not engage in sex outside of marriage, if anything your value increases. When you cherish yourself, then it is easy for others to cherish you. If you treat yourself as anything less than the wonderful person you are, then you are allowing others to do the same. Who knows maybe I will start my own feminist movement where women get to be the beautiful beings God intended them to be! Man, she has set me on a rant. I guess if I ever need blog material I know where to go!

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