Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thanks W!

I promised myself that I would keep the focus of my blogs on abstinence and away from politics. However, I would be remiss if I did not thank George Walker Bush for everything he has done for the abstinence movement. This morning as I watched the coverage on the inauguration, I swore I would not blog on it. But here I sit and I have decided that I will write about this today or nothing at all.

Eight years ago, I believe it was the day after President Bush was inaugurated, he proposed legislation preserving the rights of the unborn. I remember being giddy that he had acted so swiftly. Not long after that, he set aside money for those working in the abstinence movement. I did not apply for any of those grants so shame on me. With President Bush in the white house, I felt I had an ally in the abstinence movement. Even more importantly those with no voice were given one.

Whether or not you were a fan of President Bush, I don't think anyone could call into question his character. He was not ashamed to seek counsel from his Almighty God. And every time he asked God to Bless America he said it with such conviction. This alone was more than enough for me.

We can be sure that soon, congress will readdress the issue of the FOCA. This is a move congress did not dare to do with President Bush in office. He would not hesitate to turn away such horrid legislation that would undo the rights of the unborn that he had worked so hard to attain. Under President Obama, I am not ready to surrender this fight. I will pray for him to have a change of heart on the precious value of the unborn life. I along with millions of others will give a voice to those who cannot yet speak for themselves. President Obama has already called for an increase in funding for safe sex education. I still hold onto hope that he will leave some money on the table for those involved in the abstinence movement.

No, saying thanks to George W. Bush is not a popular move on my part. Today as he leaves office with dignity, while others continue to try to rob it for him, I cannot let him depart without my heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

1 comment:

drfrank said...

using the term commonly used in discussion forums when one is in agreement.....+1