Sunday, August 31, 2008

Preparing for Gustav

Well the Tigers played on Saturday and they won convincingly; however there was little time to celebrate. We have been watching Gustav for days anxiously awaiting news of where it will land. On Thursday I took the imitative to buy water and batteries. On Friday, I bought dry goods and items I can cook on our gas stove top. Each day I get a little bit more and little bit more anticipating when and where this thing will land. Today is Sunday for sure we "think" Gustav will strike sometime tomorrow morning, but we are more than likely going to start getting it's outer rain bands tonight. My girls have bedrooms upstairs and we are downstairs, so tonight we will let them "camp out" in the living room. (This is a very big deal for my two angels). Additionally we bought a generator today. We have never had one before, but I think it will change how we handle the storm. We will be able to keep our refrigerator and TV running. Unfortunately it will not keep the AC going, but we have survived that before. So what does all of this have to do with living a life of abstinence until marriage.

Like in a hurricane you must be prepared ahead of time, so must you be prepared when deciding to remain abstinent until marriage. It has been a process of 4 days getting our family hurricane ready. You must constantly access and commit to living an abstinent life. First you must figure out WHY you are not going to have sex. The reasons are different for all of us. Recently a friend that often talks to me about the struggles of a "sex free life in college" blurted out to me, "Jennifer, I am not having sex, but it is not for the reasons you would want me to have". I quickly explained that I don't care what her reasons are as long as it is keeping her out of mischief. She said, "that it is just too risky, with the pregnancy and rampant STD epidemics that it is just not worth it". She went on to say that she wants to have sex, but that the consequences are too high for her to "do it". The idea is you need to decide why you won't have sex. And this is not a constant variable, this is something that will change as you change. My reasons for not having sex at 16 were vastly different from my reasons at 26, but I constantly thought about my stance on sex, reevaluated were I was and reaffirmed my position.

You cannot wait until the back seat of some one's car to decide what your opinion on sex outside of marriage is. Once you are in the throws of making out, the decision will be made for you, and the inevitable regret will follow. Just like tomorrow at 9am when Gustav hits land I can't decide to go get my supplies it will be too late, so goes for making the decision about sex in your boyfriend/girlfriend's basement. Decide now what you will and will not do and decide WHY. It can't be someone else's values or reasons it is what matters to YOU. WHY are YOU going to wait? Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! Before your life becomes like that of a hurricane! Total, uncontrolled chaos!

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