Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spread the word

In the last 2 months I have had the opportunity to do one of my most favorite things. I love giving talks about abstinence. Typically after a talk, I receive a handful of emails. I love hearing from the teens that were in the audience. One of the emails I received, was from a girl who thanked me for coming to talk to her class. She went on to say that she never thought sex was a big deal and was sure that she would have been active before long, that is until she heard me talk. Now she is excited and wants to wait until she is married. So her email got me thinking...who knows why I started this crazy journey, that does not really matter. But if no one else heard me that day, but that one girl and she can now convince just one other person that abstinence is the best way then maybe the domino effect will take place.
I sit in my office a few times a week and write this blog. The best part of blogging so far has been tracking my readers. Google offers the greatest tool which allows me to see how many people read my blog each day and where they are from (insert shout out to England here). This month alone I have had readers in Turkey, Malta, India, Portugal, Australia, England and of course the good old US of A. Over 19 states have been logging on this month alone! What if everyone who read my blog forwarded the link to just one other person? On this blog, we constantly talk about the up hill struggle we face changing society's view of sex. Why wait for someone else to do it? Why not us? Why not now?
There are so many naysayers who tell me that they like that I do this, but I should give it up. There is no way I can turn the way society views sex. Maybe not, but I can sure try to change a few individuals and so on and so on. Not to mention I am not in this battle alone. I did not invent the concept of abstinence I just happen to really believe it makes life less complicated. So I have decided to press on full steam ahead. Now who wants to get on board? Do your part spread the word!

1 comment:

Ranger Ben said...

This reader is from Georgia (the state, not the country). Keep up the good work. Your request has made me think about who I can send this blog to; that is a very good idea to request your readers to spread it around....