Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bristol Palin has a regret

Months ago when the news broke that Bristol Palin was pregnant I did a blog on it. I am not going to rehash that tonight. Instead I will tell other teens to learn from her. If You have ever heard me speak on the topic of abstinence then you know that many times my choice to not have sex often came from my observing the consequences of others who chose to have sex. How many times have we said, "If I knew then what I know now I would never have done it that way". As they say hind sight is 20/20. But how much easier when we can look at the experiences of others and have no need for hind sight.
Bristol Palin looking very young, and tired said that she loves her son, but she wishes it had happened 10 years down the road. As things stand now, she is 17, with a 2 month old baby, living at home and trying to find a way to attend college and be a mom. She pointed out that if she had waited until she was 27, she could have been educated, employed, married and a homeowner. This situation she finds herself in is not ideal, but it is the result of her choosing to have sex as a teen.
When you choose to have sex outside the boundaries of marriage, the consequences that arise are very complicated. Last summer, all Bristol was thinking about was her upcoming senior year and where she would apply to college. When she discovered she was pregnant, she said that she was sick with the fear of having to tell her parents the news. In fact she was so scared she couldn't get the words out her friend had to tell them. When asked how they responded, she said that she was so upset that she hardly remembers anything they said.
When deciding whether or not you want to engage in sex outside of marriage, I beg you to look at all of the possible outcomes of your decision. When I tell you the negative consequences way outnumber anything you can come up with as a good consequence then you should use your noggin and just say no!
I don't want to hear excuses about hormones or losing self control, because that is just excuse. Who do you want to be held accountable to? Yourself? Your parents? God? The child you may conceive? What is it going to take to make you understand that you and your future are worth far more than the few minutes of physical pleasure you are searching for. You know that you have the self control to holster your hormones so as to not make a life altering decision. How do you know it is life altering when you haven't even done the deed yet? That's easy just ask Bristol Palin how much her life has changed. Why repeat the same mistake others have made. Learn from them and take the easy way out say no to sex outside of marriage and enjoy the journey to your exceptional future!

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