Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Caroline!

Today my oldest is 7! I can hardly believe it. The crazy insane part is I feel like I am still a newly wed, so how is it I have a 7 year old kid? I had my reasons for remaining abstinent until marriage, but I did not realize all of the other perks that would come along with it. After I dropped Caroline off at school today, it hit me. That little girl came into this world healthy as a horse! At no point did I have to worry about what STD I was passing on to her. Never does she meet an old boyfriend of mine and have to worry if that nice man saw her mommy naked!
I know I am being flippant, but I just can't help but feel how lucky I am! Chris and I will celebrate our 9 year wedding anniversary and for the life of me I don't see how that is possible. I love going on dates with him. I love having family nights, playing wii, making pizza, renting movies. Part of me thinks that this wonder stays with me because I wasn't busy playing house before I got married.
I have never said that God was the reason behind my abstinence decision; I wasn't mature enough in my relationship with Him to do that. But I can't help but think He was pleased with my decision, because from the moment I met my husband the blessings have been abundant. In hind sight, knowing what I know now, not only would I not change anything, but I may have even been more determined. So today as we celebrate this precious little girl my prayer for her is that she will have the wisdom needed when facing adult decisions in her teens and that God will bless her with the same happiness that I have to come to know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since Caroline is being raised with the same values by her wonderful parents as you were raised by yours, there is no doubt in my mind that she will turn out to be a beautiful human just like her mom!