Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why not do it for God?

I often take great care in staying away from politics and religion on my blog, today I would like to stray from this philosophy. I am a Roman Catholic and I say this so you know where I am coming from in today's blog. Would you think me strange if I admitted that Holy Week is my favorite week of the year, liturgically speaking? I LOVE Holy Week. I look forward to Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil on Saturday night, and don't forget Easter Sunday. When I was a child, my parents took me to every service during Holy Week. I would hope to develop a terrible allergy to the incense the church used at the services so I would not be forced to go anymore. I didn't understand why my best friend, (shout out Laura) a Methodist was not attending as many services at her church as I was attending at mine. I guess I tell you all of this so you can see how far I have come!
I am not sure I can put into words why I love this week so much. I guess the most obvious answer is the beauty and pageantry of the liturgies during Holy Week. I love the reminder of how much my Creator loves me. Do I love Him enough to sacrifice one of my daughters for Him? No way! While I struggle with Lenten sacrifices, Jesus never once said, "no" to what His Father asked of Him. When I try to imagine the anxiety, nerves, and pain that Christ endured for me, to give me life I feel so unworthy of His love. The season of Lent and the culmination of Holy Week are like a wake up call to me spiritually. It is my chance to check back in as they say. A reminder to make Him the center of my life and not the daily nonsense that seems to consume me.
Here I go and tie all of this into abstinence with a big, nice, bow. When I talk about my reasons for choosing abstinence until marriage, I am very frank that in the 9th grade my relationship with Christ was not so evolved that all of my decisions were made based on pleasing Him. No where close! In fact, God's role in my decision did not come into play until a couple of years after college. I do believe that He was pleased at my decision to wait regardless of my reasons. But for those of you out there trying to decide will you or won't you have sex here is a thought. God gave His only Son for you. Jesus hung on a cross for hours so that you may have life. The way I look at it, He is not asking for much in return, mainly he has the big 10 as I like to call them, the commandments. Ten simple rules really does not seem like much to do, seeing all that HE did for us. God created sex to be a way for a husband and wife to bond and procreate. Whatever you think sex is for other than that you are just plain wrong.
We reason with ourselves that times have changed and while that is true and our attitudes towards sex have become very casual that does not mean we are right. The problem with society today is that we think the Church needs to catch up and join us in modern times. It is not the Church's role to bend to the will of the people, we are to adhere to the will of the Church and of the teachings of Christ.
Lastly, if you are Catholic and have not attended Holy Week services in eons I encourage you to go and remember how awesome is our gift of faith. If you are not Catholic and have never attended the Holy Week liturgies, I invite you to go to a Catholic Church near you; all Christians can certainly benefit from the splendor of these Holy services.

1 comment:

RelativeLife said...

I started reading this blog because I was feeling kind of down, and looking for a distraction from my own life.

Thank you so much for posting this; I was really brought back to reality. Holy Week is my favourite time of the year, too. I love the liturgies, the imagery, and the emotions that come with this amazing time of year. Mostly, I look forward to waking up on Easter Sunday and shouting, "The Lord is risen!"

What a amazing gift we have been given at this time of year. Thanks for the reminder of His wonderful grace and love. I hope that more posts like this show up in the future.

Now I can't stop smiling. :)