Monday, December 22, 2008

To my Friends

Back in August, in fact the very day Hurricane Gustav hit, I got a facebook account. This was done with much pressure from my friend, Christy. I just thought it would be ridiculous, but she insisted it would get my blog more attention. (Ah my Achilles heel!) Well she was right. My blog has picked up more readers and I have picked up more speaking engagements. But there was a side to facebook I was unprepared friends.

At first, it was my college friends. Going to college out of state and eventually moving back home, you are not in constant contact with those whom you graduated. Almost immediately I began to hear from people I have not seen since May of 1994. What a treat! Recently I have begun to hear from some of my old high school buddies, some as far away as Washington. (Shout out Kristy and Brian) If it were not for facebook I would not have been taking this stroll along memory lane. One thing is very evident to me, these people from my past were truly a gift from God.

We have discussed often, my decision to remain abstinent until marriage. I have mentioned that my reasons constantly changed as I constantly changed. But one thing I have been adamant about is in the beginning my reasons were NOT to please the higher power, my reason were being afraid of a higher power, i.e. mom and dad. Christ did not play a role in my decision until I was out of college, or so I thought.

As I reminisce about the days of old, I realize what blessing I had in my friends. I had quite an eclectic group at that. In my first days at SJA, I quickly needed to find a place to belong. There was a large contingent from STM that took me in and made me feel like one of them. I was a member of the chorus and made a group of friends there, and I was in every drama production starting my sophomore year, where I made even more dear friends. Some were upperclassman, some were in my class, and some were a year behind me. So what did all of these people have in common? They all accepted me, just as I was. I was never pushed to be anyone other than myself. What a gift!

Today our students feel tremendous pressure to fit in. They are encouraged to engage in dangerous behaviors that they are not ready for: drugs, alcohol and even sex. All of these actions come with serious consequences that can have life long effects. For those of you, being pressured now, if this is something that makes you feel uncomfortable then it is not for you. Be the best you, you can be, and walk away from those that are not your true friends. A true friend will not ask you to do something you don't want to do.

And to those of you, who have been my friend along the way, THANK YOU! Thank you for letting me be me, and not only accepting it, but embracing it. I am so much better for having each of you in my life.

One more thing...I went to a Christmas party last night and a friend of mine said he wants a shout out on my blog, so here you my friend, Todd thanks for being a friend!

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